Oct 31, 2020


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

knowledge is nothing but the abstract information that flows from mind to mind. This is the power that drag unpowered, ruthless creature to modernized this breathtaking, mind blowing world. Knowledge is awareness , cognition and self molting. knowledge is tacit and explicit, knowledge that we thought of is personal, experienced knowledge. while reading this text, you might imagining something that is knowledge. It starts with question ends with multi arguments, researches, experiments, and solution.

A researcher connecting ideas by tagging ideas on the walls
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

Documentation of knowledge preserve for time, but personalise to knowledge empower, enlighten the brains of era. That immaculate brains work as candle to the guide in dark. while incomplete knowledge sinks the boats of hopers and unleash in dark, deep ocean with sharks, and thundering storms. Be with knowledge with complete knowledge, the lesser the knowledge the more the problem, the more the knowledge the more the awareness.

Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

‘Seek knowledge even if you have to go to china’ saying of PROPHET MUHAMMAD S A W W . that was columbus who moved country to country who discovered America and many other nations , if he passed his life sleeping, eating, nobody today would not know to him. Seeking knowledge helps people to know what is what , where is where, how is how.




a brief knowledge about knowledge that might enrich your mind